Reedy Fork Wastewater Pump Station – Winston-Salem, NC – COMPLETED!

The Reedy Fork Pump Station Project will provide two new wastewater pump stations to replace an existing station in the Kernersville, NC area.  The new Reedy Fork Pump Station consists of a cast-in-place concrete triplex wet well for submersible pumps, electrical control building, generator, flow meter, valve vault, site piping, access driveway, waterline service, grading and other miscellaneous work.  A new pump station will also be constructed at Triad Park that consists of precastduplex wet well for submersible pumps, valve vault, site piping, access driveway, grading and other miscellaneous work.  Connected the two new stations together and tying in to existing sewer lines will involve the construction of approximately 930 LF of 8-inch through 16-inch gravity sewer, 1535 LF of 12-inch force main, and 3,126 LF of 4-inch force main.


  • 2 new wastewater pump stations
  • Reedy Fork PS consists of Cast-in-place concrete triplex wet well
  • Triad Park PS consists of precast duplex wet well
  • 2 pump stations will be connected together and tied in to existing water sewer lines
  • Completion Date: February 2015