The Work to be completed under this Contract for the rehabilitation of Filter No.’s 3, 4, 6, 12, 14,
15 and 16 consists of the following: site preparation; dewater the filter; removal of the media from above the underdrain, in the plenums under the underdrain; removal and disposal of the M filter blocks; cleaning under the M filter blocks; cleaning of the plenum slabs and the gaps between the slabs of sand and gravel; removal of the air lateral pipes from header boxes and cleaning of the lateral pipes; clean, prepare, and coat the walls of the filter bays; repair grout on the perimeter wall curb; reinstall air laterals and anchor brackets; furnish and install Snap T® underdrain blocks; furnish and install gravel and sand media; cleanup; and site restoration.
- All work to be conducted while maintaining operations for a 70 MGD plant.
- Completion Date: November 2014